Recently, the China Science Literature Metrological Evaluation Research Center of CNKI (hereinafter referred to as the "CNKI Evaluation Center") conducted an objective evaluation of scholars' academic influence for the first time in 2024, based on domestic academic journal papers and conference papers indexed by CNKI. They selected the list of "2024 CNKI Highly Cited Scholars" to facilitate the domestic premiere of outstanding achievements. In this evaluation, the Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance performed excellently, with a total of 15 researchers being selected as Top 1% CNKI Highly Cited Scholars, and another 2 researchers being selected as Top 5% CNKI Highly Cited Scholars. This result fully demonstrates the base's strong influence in the academic community.
Top 1% of CNKI Highly Cited Scholars
Note: This list is sorted by the pinyin of the authors' names.
Top 5% of CNKI Highly Cited Scholars
Note: This list is sorted by the pinyin of the authors' names.