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Associate Professor Zhenxing Wu, a researcher of the Base, has published a collaborative paper in Journal of International Money and Finance
发布时间:2023-11-02 16:56:00 浏览次数:1609

Associate Professor Zhenxing Wu, a researcher of the Base, has published a collaborative paper titled "Price discovery and triangular arbitrage in currency markets" in Journal of International Money and Finance.


Price discovery is the process by which markets incorporate the relevant information to arrive at the efficient price of an asset. We study the price discovery process in JPY/EUR cross-rates and the rates derived from exchanges of JPY/USD and USD/EUR indirectly. The results highlight the role of the USD as a vehicle currency in enhancing price efficiency through the triangular arbitrage. During financial crisis periods, the implied JPY/EUR rates have even more contribution to price discovery than direct rates. We show the dominant price discovery of implied JPY/EUR rates relates to the lower transaction cost. Upon the release of macroeconomic announcements in Japan and Europe zone, the trading cost advantage enhances price discovery of implied rates even more. The more contribution to price discovery of implied rates predicts the higher future volatility of direct JPY/EUR rates, indicating the slower response of direct rates to the information shock and the subsequent adjustment resulting in higher variations in the direct rates.

Keywords: Vehicle currency; Price discovery; Triangular arbitrage


 33.吴震星-Price discovery and triangular arbitrage in currency markets.png

Teacher profile

Zhenxing Wu, Associate Professor of annual salary, School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Researcher of Digital Technology and Modern Finance Innovation and Intellectual Introduction Base. Research areas include the application of market microstructure theory to international finance, asset pricing and corporate finance. The research results have been published in the Journal of International Money & FinanceJournal of Corporate Finance and other international journals.