Jing Shi: Refining a paper
发布时间:2023-09-21 10:47:00 浏览次数:1715

The 275th Wenlan Financial Forum


Refining a paper


Jing Shi, Professor

School of Finance,   Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance


Yongbing Lv, Professor

School of Finance,   Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Deputy Director,   Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance


14:00-16:00, Friday, September 15, 2023


South 313 Conference   Room, Wenquan Building, ZUEL


Speaker Introduction

Professor Jing Shi is currently  finance professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. He is also the Chief Expert of the Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance. He obtained his PhD in finance from the Australian National University.He is a fellow of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand, a director of the Asian Finance Association and an executive deputy editor of the SSCI source journal "Accounting and Finance".His research focuses on China's capital markets, financial technology, corporate finance, corporate governance, political economy and business strategy, etc. He has published more than 60 papers in domestic and international academic journals, such as the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Economic Research.