Yongqiang Chu: Shareholder-Creditor Conflicts and Limits to Arbitrage: Evidence From the Equity Lending Market
发布时间:2022-04-15 16:00:00 浏览次数:2393

The 251st Wenlan Financial Forum


Shareholder-Creditor Conflicts and Limits to Arbitrage: Evidence From the Equity Lending Market


Professor Yongqiang Chu

Belk School of Business, University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Associate Professor Xianming Sun

School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance


09:30 - 11:30 AM, Apr. 21 (Thur.), 2022


VooV Meeting (199-988-430)


We show that conflicts of interest between shareholders and creditors affect stock prices through limits to arbitrage and short sales constraints. We use financial institution mergers as exogenous variation in the presence of dual holders -- institutions that hold equity and debt of the same firm -- to study how conflicts of interest impact asset prices. Firms with lower conflicts of interests exhibit higher equity lending supply, lower short sale constraints, and more efficient and less overvalued stock prices. Firms with more dual holders are also less likely to recall loaned shares prior to shareholder meetings. Our findings suggest that agency problems due to shareholder-creditor conflicts have a real impact on market efficiency and asset prices.

Speaker Introduction:
Yongqiang Chu, Childress-Klein Chair Professor at the Belk School of Business, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Director of the Childress-Klein Center for Real Estate. His research interests include banking, real estate finance and financial institutions and related fields. He has published more than 30 articles in Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Corporate Finance, Quarterly Journal of Finance, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and other top international journals.

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