YU Minggui

TEL: 8838-6953

EMAIL: mingyu@whu.edu.cn

YU Minggui is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Finance of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. In 2004, he graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a Doctor's degree in Management. In 2007, he graduated from the Postdoctoral Research Station of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He has been teaching at the School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University since 2007. In 2010, he was selected as doctoral supervisor and promoted to professor at the end of the same year. In 2011, he was selected as the academic team leader of the "post-70s" scholars of humanities and social sciences of Wuhan University. He was a visiting scholar at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business from 2013 to 2014. From June 2019 to now, he has been the Dean of School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.


Research Interests
Corporate Finance, Finance and Innovation, Finance and Employment



2012.12-2014.1, Visiting Scholar, Kelly School of Business, Indiana University, USA

2010.11-present, Professor, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University (Exceptional Selection)

2010.5-present, Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University (Exceptional Selection)

2007.11-2010.10, Associate Professor and Master Tutor, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University

2005.5-2007.10, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2001.9-2004.6, Doctor of Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

1998.9-2001.6, Master of Economics (Public Finance), Department of Finance, Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Economics College

1993.9-1997.6, Bachelor of Economics (Financial Management), Department of Finance, Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Economics College


Research Projects
1. National Natural Science Foundation Project: “Declaration of Personal Matters by Executives, Research on Political Risk and Innovation Investment in State-Owned Enterprises”. Project Approval Number: 71872137. Project Approval Time: August 2018.

2. National Natural Science Foundation Project: “Performance Appraisal System and Corporate Innovation: Theoretical and Empirical Research Based on the Revision of Performance Appraisal System for Central State-Owned Enterpris”. Project Approval Number: 71672134. Project Approval Time: August 2016.

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Research on Overseas Listing of Chinese Enterprises and Corporate Innovation”. Project Approval Number: 71428006. Project Approval Time: August 2014.

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Research on Privatization, Risk Taking and Enterprise Performance”. Project Approval Number: 71372126. Project Approval Time: August 2013.

5. National Natural Science Foundation of China Project: “Research on the Banking Relationships of Corporate Executives, Institutional Environment, and Efficiency of Bank Credit Resource Allocation”. Project Approval Number: 71172205. Project Approval Time: August 2011.

6. National Natural Science Foundation Project: “Research on the Performance Motivation of Government Officials, Political Background of Corporate Executives, and Overinvestment in State-Owned Enterprises”. Project Approval Number: 70972090. Project Approval Time: August 2009. It was later assessed as "excellent".

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Research on Credit Discrimination, Commercial Credit and Corporate Financing Behavior”. Project Approval Number: 70602013. Project Approval Time: August 2006.

8. New Century Talents Support Project of the Ministry of Education: “Risk Selection Behavior and Economic Consequences During the Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises”. Project approval number: NCET-13-0444. Project Approval Time: September 2013.

9. Academic Team Project of "Post-70s" Scholars in Humanities and Social Sciences at Wuhan University: “Research on Investment and Financing of Chinese Private Enterprises”. Project Approval Time: December 2010.


Representative Publications
[1] Yu Minggui, Zhong Huijie, Fan Rui, 2019: "Privatization, Financing Constraints and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Industrial Firms", Journal of Finance Research, accepted.

[2] Yu Minggui, Zhong Huijie, Fan Rui, 2016: Can Performance Appraisal System Promote Innovation of Central Enterprises?", Journal of Economic Research, 12. Reprinted by Xinhua Digest, vol. 7, 2017.

[3] Yu Minggui, Fan Rui, Zhong Huijie, 2016: China's Industrial Policy and Enterprise Technological Innovation, China Industrial Economics, 2016, No.12.

[4] Yu Minggui, Li Wengui, Pan Hongbo, 2013: Privatization, Property Rights Protection and Enterprise Risk Taking, Economic Research, No.9, 2013.

[5] Yu Minggui, Hui Yafu, Pan Hongbo, 2010: "Political Connection, Rent-seeking and the Effectiveness of Local Government Fiscal Policies", Economic Research, No.3, 2010.

[6] Yu Minggui, Pan Hongbo, 2010: Financial Development, Commercial Credit and Product Market Competition, Management World, No.8, 2010.

[7] Yu Minggui, Pan Hongbo, 2008: "Political Connection, Institutional Environment and Bank Lending", Journal of Management World, No.8, 2008.

[8] Yu Minggui, Xia Xinping, Zou Zhensong, 2006: A Study on Managers' Overconfidence and aggressive corporate debt Behavior, Management World, No.8, 2006.

[9] Yu Minggui, Li Wengui, Pan Hongbo, 2013: Manager Overconfidence and Firm Risk Taking, Journal of Financial Research, 2013 (1).

[10] Yu Minggui, Pan Hongbo, 2008: Government Intervention, Rule of Law, Financial Development and Bank Loans of State-owned Enterprises, Journal of Finance Research, No.9, 2008.

[11] Yu Minggui, Xia Xinping, 2004: Controlling Shareholders, Agency Problems and Related Transactions: An Empirical Study of Chinese Listed Companies, Nankai Management Review, No.6, 2004.

[12] Yu Minggui, Zhong Huijie, Fan Rui, 2017, "Analyst Attention and Firm Innovation: Empirical Evidence from China's Capital Market", Journal of Economic Management, No.3.

[13] Yu Minggui, Pan Hongbo, 2010: The Nature of Ownership, Commercial credit and efficiency of credit resource Allocation, Economic Management, No.8, 2010.

[14] Pan Hongbo, Yu Minggui, 2011: "Supporting Hand, Predatory Hand and Remote Mergers and Acquisitions", Economic Research, No.9, 2011.

[15] Pan Hongbo, Xia Xinping, Yu Minggui, 2008: "Government Intervention, Political Connection and Local State-owned Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions", Economic Research, No.4, 2008.

[16] Li Wengui, Yu Minggui, Zhong Huijie, 2017, "Pilot Board of Directors of Central Enterprises, Agency Costs and Corporate Performance of State-owned Listed Companies", Management World, No.8, 2017.

[17] Li Wengui, Yu Minggui (corresponding author), 2017, "Property Rights Protection and Nationalization of Private Enterprises", Journal of Economics (Quarterly), Vol. 16, No. 4, July 2017.

[18] Li Wengui, Yu Minggui, 2015: Ownership Structure and Enterprise Innovation of Privatized Enterprises, Management World, 4th issue, 2015.

[19] Cheng Zhongming, Xia Xinping, Yu Minggui. "Government Intervention, Pyramid Structure and Investment in Local State-owned Listed Companies", Journal of Management World, No.9, 2008.

[20] Li Wengui, Yu Minggui, 2012: "Ownership Nature, Marketization Process and Firm Risk Taking", Chinese Industrial Economics, 12th issue, 2012.

[21] Pan Hongbo, Yu Minggui, 2014: Quality of Accounting Information, Property Rights and M&A Performance of Target Companies, Financial Research, 7th issue, 2014.

[22] Pan Hongbo, Yu Minggui, 2014: "Related Transactions, Executive Compensation Incentives and Capital Allocation Efficiency", Accounting Research, No.10, 2014.

[23] Hu Ze, Xia Xinping, Yu Minggui, 2013: "Financial Development, Liquidity and Business Credit: An Empirical Study Based on the Global Financial Crisis", Nankai Management Review, No.3, 2013.

[24] Pan Hongbo, Yu Minggui, 2010: "Collectivization, Bank Loans and Efficiency of Capital Allocation", Journal of Finance Research, No.10, 2010.

[25] Pan Hongbo, Yu Minggui, 2010: "Political Relations, Controlling Shareholders' Interest Delivery and Private Enterprise Performance", Nankai Management Review, No.4, 2010.

[26] Li Qiyang, Yu Minggui, 2018: The Impact of Dual Regulation on Enterprise Innovation. Journal of Management, No.8.

[27] Li Wengui, Yu Minggui, Zhong Huijie, 2018, “Effects of Pilot Programs for China’s Central SOE Board of Directors”, China Economist, Vol.13(6),pp. 106-120.

[28] Pan, Hongbo, Donghui Li, Xinping Xia, Minggui Yu, 2010, “Private Versus State Ownership and Spillover of Investor Protection Standards in Interprovince Mergers: Evidence from China's Emerging Market”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol.46(6), pp. 86-105.