JIN Ling
Associate Professor


EMAIL: lingjin0980@163.com

JIN Ling is an associate professor at the School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Ling Jin’s main research interests are in the areas of financial development, financial innovation and risk management. Ling Jin’s research has been published in recognized economics and finance journals including Economic Research Journal, Journal of Management Sciences in China, Journal of Financial Research, China Economic Quarterly, and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 


Research Interests

Financial Development, Financial Innovation, Risk Management



2022, PhD in Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
2019, MA in Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
2017, BA in Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


Professional Experiences

2022-present, Associate Professor, School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

2021-present, Research Fellow, Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance



China International Forum on Finance and Policy, Outstanding Paper Prize.

The 17th Annual Conference on Financial Engineering, Outstanding Paper Prize.


Representative Publications

[1] Zhisheng Li, Ling Jin, Zhichen Zhang. Direct Government Intervention and Systemic Tail Risk: Evidence from the National Team Stock Rescue during the 2015 Crash[J]. 2019, Economic Research Journal, 54(04), 67-83.

[2] Zhisheng Li, Ling Jin. The “National Team” Bailout, Stock Price Volatility and Idiosyncratic Risk[J]. 2019, Journal of Management Sciences in China, 22(09), 67-81.

[3] Zhisheng Li, Ling Jin, Dongmin Kong. Bank Geographical Distribution, Bank Competition and Firm Leverage[J]. 2020, Economic Research Journal, 55(10), 141-158.

[4] Zhisheng Li, Ling Jin. Does Bank Competition Increase Firm Investment and Investment Efficiency? Evidence Based on the Geographical Distribution of Bank Branches[J]. 2021, Journal of Financial Research, (1), 111-130.

[5] Zhisheng Li, Ling Jin. Government Direct Intervention and Insider Trading[J]. 2022, China Economic Quarterly, 22(2), 527-548.

[6] Minying Cheng, Ling Jin, Zhisheng Li, Bingxuan Lin. The Effectiveness of Government Stock Purchase during Market Crash: Evidence from China[J]. 2022, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 71, 1-18.