LV Yongbin



LV Yongbin is a Professor and the Vice Dean of the School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. He is also the Deputy Director of the Innovation and Talent Base for Digital Technology and Finance, the Deputy Director of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Industry Upgrading and Regional Finance (Hubei), the Director of China Quantitative Economics Society, the Executive Director of the Financial Technology Special Committee of China Association of Technology Economics, and the Committee Member of FinTech Education and Research 50 Forum. In addition, he is a reviewer for authoritative journals such as Financial Innovation, China Economic Quarterly, Studies of International Finance, Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, etc., and the Field Editor for China Finance Review International.


Research Interests

Financial Technology, Bank Management



2005.7 - present: Professor, School of Finance, ZUEL

2014.12 - 2015.11: a member of the 15th "PhD Service Team" of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, serving in the Management Committee of the Qaidam Circular Economy Pilot Zone

2011.6 - 2014.6: Postdoctoral fellow in Applied Economics, Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences

2000.9 - 2005.6: Doctoral degree in Management Science, School of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University

1996.9 - 2000.6: Bachelor's degree in Economics, School of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University  



Undergraduate courses: "Internet Finance," "Introduction to Financial Technology," and "Financial Regulation."

Graduate courses: "Financial Regulation and Supervision" and "Frontier of Financial Technology."


Social Service

1. Council Member of the of Chinese Association of Quantitative Economics

2. Standing Director of Fintech Commission, Chinese Society of Technology Economics

3. Committee Member of FinTech Education and Research 50 Forum

4. Research Fellow, Innovation and Talent Base for Income Distribution and Public Finance

5. Special Expert of Sichuan Association of FinTech

6. Research Fellow, Xiongan New Area Development Research Center

7. Paper Reviewer for academic journals such as Financial Innovation, China Economic Quarterly, Studies of International Finance, and Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

8. Field Editor, China Finance Review International


Research Projects

1. Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, 19ZDA151. Research on Multidimensional Identification and Collaborative Governance of Relative Poverty in China. In Progress, Participate.

2. General Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, 18BJL077. Research on the unbalanced development and the re-balancing development of inclusive finance from a spatial perspective. Concluded. Host.

3. In 2021, the Hubei Provincial Housing Provident Fund Research Association entrusted a research project to study the development of using housing provident funds to support rental housing and support the renovation of old residential areas. In Progress.


Representative Publications

[1] Fiscal Decentralization and Financial Decentralization Matching and Local Economic Growth. Zhipeng Cheng, Yongbin Lv. Huabei Finance, 2022(08)

[2] Inclusive Finance and Rural Governance - Evidence from Disputes over Rural Land Contracts. Yongbin Lv, Lin Wen. Eastern Forum, 2022(04)

[3] The Environmental Governance Value of FinTech: An Empirical Analysis based on PM2.5 in 287 Prefecture-Level Cities in China. Wuhan Finance Monthly, Issue 9, 2021

[4] Impact of Fintech on Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from China, Risks, MDPI, Open Access Journal, vol. 9(5), pages 1-27, May 2021

[5] Peer Effects and Competition Effects in the Establishment of Rural Banks: An Empirical Study Based on Spatial Probit Model. Studies of International Finance, Oct. 2021

[6] Fiscal Decentralization, Financial Decentralization, and Spatial Relationship with Local Economic Growth. Public Finance Research, Jan. 2020

[7] Spatial Effects of County Financial-Linkage Anti-Poverty Plan. Huabei Finance, Nov. 2018

[8] Spatial Analysis of Measurement of County Financial Inclusion and Its Anti-Poverty Effects. Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Issue 5, 2018

[9] Spatial Layout Analysis of Chinese Commercial Banks Based on Financial License Information and Their Impact on Regional Economy. Studies of International Finance, Jun. 2017

[10] Study on the Impact of Financial Inclusion on Urban-rural Income Gap Based on Spatial Model. Public Finance Research, Aug. 2016

[11] Spatial Analysis of Measurement and Influential Factors of Regional Financial Exclusion in China from the Perspective of Financial Inclusion. Macroeconomics, Dec. 2015

[12] Spatial Effects Analysis of Regional Differences in Rural Financial Exclusion in China. Hubei Agricultural Sciences, Sep. 2014

[13] Spatial Effects of Inter-Sectoral Transmission of Regional Financial Risk: 2005-2012. Public Finance Research, Aug. 2014

[14] Rural Financial Development and Anti-Poverty Performance in China: Empirical Evidence Based on 2003-2010. Issues in Agricultural Economy, Jan. 2014

[15] Constituent Elements of Financial Development Index and Their International Comparison. Reform, Aug. 2012

[16] Foreign Mergers and Acquisitions and Agricultural Industry Security in China: Effects and Policies. Issues in Agricultural Economy, Nov. 2009

[17] Does the Introduction of Overseas Strategic Investors Improve Bank Performance? Evidence from Listed Banks on China A-Share Market. Macroeconomics, Oct. 2009