YANG Guochao


EMAIL: yang.guochao@outlook.com

YANG Guochao, Professor of the school of accounting, Zhongnan University of economics and law, director of the big data center of "income distribution and modern financial discipline innovation and talent introduction base" of the Ministry of education and the Ministry of science and technology, and Wenlan young scholar. The papers have been published in (including to be published) Economic Research (4), management world, China Economic Quarterly (4), world economy, financial research, accounting research (2), China Journal of Accounting Studies (2) and other top-level domestic academic journals. He has won the 2017 China Financial Research Conference (CFRC) best paper award, the first prize of the 12th Hubei social science outstanding achievement award, the first prize of the 16th Wuhan social science outstanding achievement award, the "top ten papers" of the first China empirical research (Finance) paper competition, the special prize of the annual accounting excellent paper of Hubei Accounting Society (twice), and the 2019 national MPAcc excellent teaching cases. He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of education and a number of projects in Hubei Province.


Research Interests

Analysis of the System and Policy in the Field of Stock Market, Bond Market and Public Policy



2009.9-2015.6, Department of Finance, School of Management, Fudan University, Doctor

2005.9-2009.6, Department of international Accounting, Business School of Jilin University, Bachelor


Professional Experiences

2020.12- present, School of Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Professor

2018.9- present, Wenlan Young Scholar

2017.12- present, School of Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Associate Doctoral Supervisor (hired by the Institute)

2017.9- present, School of Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Master Tutor

2015.12- 2020.12, School of Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Associate Professor

2015.7- 2015.12, School of Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Lecturer



1. Empirical research method, spring 2018, graduate student

2. Case study method, spring 2018, graduate student

3. Introduction to accounting classics, autumn 2018, spring 2017, spring 2016, Graduate Students

4. Accounting academic research frontier, autumn 2016, autumn 2015, graduate student

5. Financial management, spring 2018, spring 2017, spring 2016, autumn 2015, Bachelor

6. Performance management (CPAC), spring 2018, spring 2017, Bachelor

7. Senior financial management, spring 2016, Bachelor


Social Service

1. Canadian CPA, Chinese CPA

2. China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), researcher

3. Anonymous reviewers of economic research, management world, Economics (quarterly), financial research, China industrial economy, China Journal of accounting studies, financial research and other journals

4. Communication reviewer of NSFC


Academic Honors

1. The honor of "good young people in Central South China" in the "May 4th" comprehensive commendation of Zhongnan University of Eonomics and Law in 2019 (Academic luncheon management team of Accounting College)

2. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law comprehensively commended the individual honor of "Zhongnan good youth" during the "May 4th" movement in 2017



1. Outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences of colleges and universities in Hubei Province (2017-2018), 2020

2. The 12th first prize of outstanding achievements in Social Sciences of Hubei Province, 2020

3. The third prize of the 17th outstanding achievements in Social Sciences in Wuhan, 2019

4. The first prize of the 16th outstanding achievements in Social Sciences in Wuhan, 2018

5. National MPAcc excellent teaching case: "Research on the business model of Xiaomi group: Hardware Company or Internet company?", 2019

6. The second prize of the research sub-Forum on Enterprise M&A at the 14th China management academic year conference in 2019

7. "Top ten papers" of 2018 China empirical research (Finance) paper competition

8. 2017 China Financial Conference (CFRC) Best Paper Award

9. Outstanding scientific research award of School of accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (2017 special prize; 2016 second prize)

10. Outstanding young contribution award of Accounting School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (first prize in 2017)

11. Excellent award for annual assessment of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (2017; 2018; 2019)

12. 2017 outstanding award of young teachers' lecture competition of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

13. University-level excellent bachelor's degree thesis (Tang Guo in 2017; Yu zewen and Peng Qianyi in 2018; Zhang Yanan in 2020)

14. Special prize for excellent thesis of Hubei Accounting Society (2015; 2017)


Research Projects


1. Research on the distortion of bond credit rating and its governance mechanism under the regulatory thinking of "fatherhood": Theory and evidence,Youth program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2020.12.

2. Distortion of R & D incentive policies for high-tech enterprises: formation mechanism, economic consequences and governance strategies, youth project of Humanities and social sciences fund of the Ministry of education, 2018.01-2020.12.

3. Evaluation of the implementation effect of the administrative measures for the recognition of high and new technology enterprises, 2017 Hubei science and technology innovation special soft science project, 2017.09-2018.09.

4. Research on the system of the same share with different rights -- Taking Alibaba's "partner system" as an example, the general project of Hubei Social Science Fund in 2015,2016.01-2016.12.


1. Monetary policy research based on real estate foam management, youth project of National Social Science Foundation,2018.01-2020.12.

2. Governance effects of scholar independent directors in Chinese Listed Companies: theoretical analysis and empirical evidence, youth program of National Natural Science Foundation of China,2017.01-2019.12.

3. Equity agreement transfer premium, earnings management and Performance Research of the target company, general program of National Natural Science Foundation of China,2013.01-2016.12


Representative Publications

[1] Yang,Jibin, Shanmin Li, Yang,Guochao, Wuwenfeng, Inter Provincial Bilateral Trust and Cross Regional Capital Flow -- From the Perspective of Enterprise M & A in Different Places, Economic Research, 2021, issue 4. (cover article)

[2] Yang, Guochao *, Rui Meng, Incentive Effect and Catering Effect of Tax Relief Policy for High-tech Enterprises, Economic Research, September 2020.

[3] Yang, Guochao *, Zhang Lina, Does Media Supervision Restrain the R & D Manipulation of High-tech Enterprises?—— Text Analysis Based on Massive Media Report Data, Economics (quarterly), forthcoming.

[4] Yang, Guochao, Yuzhen Kuang, Shangkun Liang, Infrastructure Construction and Enterprise Cost Management Decision-making - Based on the Empirical Evidence of the Opening of High-speed rail, World Economy, forthcoming.

[5] Wang Fang, Liu Qi, Yang Guochao, Information Value and Insurance Value of Audit - From the Perspective of Heterogeneity of Subject Rating and Debt Rating, Audit Research, issue 2, 2021.

[6] Yang, Guochao, Xiaoxi Li, Gong Qiang, Long Pain or Short Pain—— Research on the Long-term and Short-term Effects of Economic Stimulus Policies During the Financial Crisis, Economics (quarterly), Vol. 19, No. 3, April 2020.

[7] Yang, Guochao*, Yuzhen Kuang, Bingcheng Li, Staying Idle or Investing in Prevention - The Short-term and Long-run Impact of Cost Stickiness on Firm Value, China Journal of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.

[8] Zhao Yang, Yiping Wu, Yang, Guochao, Relationship Within the System, Entrepreneurial Scale and Growth of New Enterprises, Financial Research, July 2020.

[9] Yang, Guochao*, The Cost of Institutional Innovation in the Absence of an External Governance Mechanism - A Case Study on the ‘Alibaba Partnership’, China Journal of Accounting Studies,2018(4).

[10] Xiaoxi Li, Yang, Guochao, Pingui Rao, Does the Lnquiry Letter of the Exchange Have A Regulatory Role—— Based on the Text Analysis of the M & A Report, Economic Research, 2019, issue 5.

[11] Yang, Guochao *, Yuzhang Pan, Is Trust Priced? Evidence from the Bond Market, Financial Research, No. 1, 2019.

[12] Yang, Guochao *, Liu Jing, Lian Peng, Rui Meng, Tax Incentives, R & D Manipulation and R & D Performance, Economic Research, 2017, issue 8.

[13] Kemin Wang, Yang, Guochao, Liu Jing, Xiaoxi Li, Competition for IPO Resources, Research on Government Subsidies and Corporate Performance, Management World, 2015, Issue 9.

[14] Haoping Xu, Yang, Guochao*, Cross Market Effect of Investor Sentiment in Stock Market -- Research on the Impact of Bond Financing Cost, Financial Research, 2013, issue 2.